Monday, December 24, 2012
A year of love,
a year of loss.
A year of unions,
a year of partings.
A year of commitments,
a year of convictions.
A year of giving,
a year of blessing.
A year of discovery,
a year of seeding future curiosity.
A year of milestones,
a year of miracles.
Most of all, a year never to be forgotten, for all of those moments, memories, people and places, that have embedded themselves into our hearts, into our identities.
As our world moves forward,
may the steps that we take leave only footprints that truly being us closer together.
God bless.
Happy 2013.
Copyright: ANITA MENDIRATTA 2012
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
November 07th, 2012. Depending on their locations, their times zones, and their levels of excitement, millions of people across the world chose to forfeit sleep the night before to be able to stay awake into the early hours of this new day, whist others were waking up early as the new dawn broke. A new day, and a new time.
Why the lack of sleep? What could possibly draw such global attention?
As the 07th of November tick-tocked into its first minutes and hours across the eastern regions of the world map, polls were closing and ballots were being counted across the map of the USA. It was the morning after the US Presidential Election Day of 2012.
Who would it be? Who would be the leader of people of the US for the next four years? Who, therefore, would be the greatest individual source of influence on the rest of the world?
Who would it be occupying the White House?
And what would be the global implications in homes across the globe?
Throughout the presidential race, the world has watched, and watched, and watched, with unprecedented interest. Positions were learnt, personalities were analysed. Why? Why all of the personal investment in leadership choices when the leader was not to be one's own?
One simple reason: borders and ballot boxes no longer separate people. While an event of north American geography, the far reaching implications of this one nation's political leadership race was clear. If the choice was red, a new path would be taken - dramatic policy positions would shift, relationships with global leaders be altered, and international markets would recalibrate. If the choice was blue, the four years ahead would be continued careful journey on a path of known direction, with the destination a continued source of hope and faith - for Americans and the rest of the world.
Aside from the remarkable, often shameful levels of attacking campaign commentary and rhetoric, and of course funds, what has been astounding to see has been the levels of global interest in how America casts its vote - global interest wide and deep enough that the watching world spent the day hiding yawns from sleep deficit. From well known world leaders to unknown nations from regions beyond America's borders, the final count brought a cheer of victory as though these foreign hands had themselves ticked the box for their preferred candidate.
America has cast its vote, the people of the USA have chosen, the Empire State Building is illuminated in blue, global headlines are expressing excited announcement of President Obama's four more years, and the people of the world are now ready to walk with America into the next stage of shaping a collective, interdependent future.
With a sense of relief in the minds and hearts of millions across the world, it is safe to, for the moment, shut their eyes and get some sleep. Hope endures.
Copyright: ANITA MENDIRATTA 2012
Friday, October 19, 2012
As occurs every year, on the mid-October day of the announcement of the 2012 Nobel Prize for Peace, audible speculation occurs around the globe. Who will it be? Who would be called out as the exemplary manifestation of all that the concept of peace represents. Who, or what? And why?
How does one decide? How does one possibly identify a single individual or entity that can be praised for peace?
Since 1901, on an annual basis this question has been posed by the Norwegian Nobel Committee as they judge nominations from across the globe for those deemed to have "done the most or the best work for the fraternity between nations." (
The winner of the 2012 Nobel Prize for Peace, announced on October 12th, was in the end more reason for pause and appreciation than actual celebration.
Why? Because the winner - the European Union - acts as a powerful reminder of what so many across the globe have forgotten - that peace is a process of continuous commitment and effort, not an assumption.
As eloquently expressed by CNN's Jonathan Mann, who has covered the Nobel Peace Prize for 17 years, when asked in an interview minutes after the announcement by the Nobel Committee what the Nobel Committee was thinking when awarding the EU the prize for peace?
60 years of peace through tireless efforts for unification across European nations.
In these times of aggressive economic, social and political change, times that see:
- a young Pakistani girl fighting for her life as a result of a gunshot wound to punish her for her quest to allow girls to be educated;
- the endless horror as Syria's leaders seemingly defy all sense of civility against its own people, sending refugees fleeing to neighbouring nations facing their own challenges;
- two powerful Asian nations flexing their political muscles and verbal threats of war over one disputed island;
- iconic sports heroes falling from well engineered and embedded pedestals;
- presidential candidates in the US intellectually fighting it out in town hall debates and investing an estimated US$ 2 billion in the quest to secure the nomination for president of the United States of America in 2013,
And yet, through the noise, peace is able to prevail.
Because of efforts - often intense efforts - to sustain prevent outbreak of war during times of potential clashes within or across borders, as a result of economic crisis, lack of natural resources, political clashes or other threats to stability of psyche and nations, billions are able to look on, safe and secure in their corners of the world, viewing conflict through the screen of a television, computer or mobile phone.
In many parts of the world peace, living within a peaceful society, has become an assumption.
Such is the case in the EU.
As expressed in the official announcement of winner of the 2012 Nobel Peace Prize:
"The Norwegian Nobel Committee has decided that the Nobel Peace Prize for 2012 is to be awarded to the European Union (EU). The union and its forerunners have for over six decades contributed to the advancement of peace and reconciliation, democracy and human rights in Europe.
"The EU is currently undergoing grave economic difficulties and considerable social unrest. The Norwegian Nobel Committee wishes to focus on what it sees as the EU's most important result: the successful struggle for peace and reconciliation and for democracy and human rights. The stabilizing part played by the EU has helped to transform most of Europe from a continent of war to a continent of peace.
The work of the EU represents "fraternity between nations", and amounts to a form of the "peace congresses" to which Alfred Nobel refers as criteria for the Peace Prize in his 1895 will."
The Nobel Peace Prize has always been awarded on the basis of the bigger picture. Standing back, looking at the world map as it appears today, there are clear, constant conflict zones which continue to ache. And then there are those that, through a shared quest for peace, remain connected as communities.
As was expressed by Archbishop Desmond Tutu during different times yet with enduring sentiment: "When God looks at ---, he shakes his head and cries. And then he looks at (the EU), and he smiles..."
During these ever-changing times - times of crisis at natural, political, economic, environmental and social levels - 'peace' should be seen and appreciated as a verb, not a noun.
And a blessing to be able to feel when we shut our eyes at bedtime.
Copyright: ANITA MENDIRATTA 2012
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
September 11th, 2012. Eleven years on, the world pauses to remember, ritualistically, a day that changed the world we know. The terrifying acts of a few changed the lives of all. Losses of lives stand as legacies of conscience, and conviction. Borders remain erased as it is clear that we are all united, regardless of passports and policies.
One day on, flags fly at half mast on US embassies and on
the lawn of the White House as, once again, remembrance of loss dominates
thought and ache of heart. The loss is not over a decade old, however. It is
just hours old. It occurred not on US soil, but in a US-supported nation half
way across the world. Libya, a nation recently liberated with the courage of
its revolutionaries, has lost one of its greatest allies – the Ambassador of
the USA to Libya. Though the rebel attacks that shook the US consulate and took
the life of its highest diplomat, three other Americans and numerous Libyans,
have ended, the ground is still shaking. The vibrations are felt in
Afghanistan, Egypt and elsewhere in the Arab world.
To defuse the shaking and limit the spread of the flames,
YouTube has begun to block access to a particular piece of content. The video?
A low-budget, independent film produced in the US, carrying a distinctly
anti-Islamic message, provoking anti-American sentiment.
As time passes and details emerge, the role of this poor
quality, poor taste film is deemed not to the primary spark that has ignited
flames of anti-American protests, and possibly even actual attacks. Still, the
movie is out there. It was produced. And its fire is spreading, widely and
wildly. From Tunisia to Yemen, American flags burn, alerts on foreign embassies
continue, fear of further spread of the fire grows. Lives lost. Foreign
relations inflamed.
And now, one week on, a week filled with widespread, often
deadly protests regarding the anti-Islamic, indy film, a French magazine -
Charlie Hebdo - has taken a decision to take a bold step in publishing cartoons
depicting, in various provocative ways, the Prophet Mohammed. Its overtly
stated desire in publishing the cartoons? To be outrageous.
The response of French officials? Condemning the
publication, the French Foreign Ministry closing embassies and schools in as
many as twenty nations countries this Friday, the main Muslim day of prayer, as
a precautionary measure. The ground is starting to shake again…
Immediately, sharply, the thought emerges: why? Why provoke
further fury? Why invite further spread of the flames?
The argument of both the filmmaker and the cartoonist: ‘free
speech’. We live in democratic times – freedom of expression is a right.
Indeed. Freedom of expression is a part of our society.
However, does freedom give people the right to consciously offend other people, cultures, communities, without consideration of impact, implications?
Does freedom make recreational journalistic culture-mocking an acceptable course of action? Does freedom allow us to think only of our pleasure, regardless of another's pain?
What ever happened to the principle of "what good will come of this?"
What we must never, ever forget is that with freedom comes responsibility of freedom. Responsibility for actions. And, in cases such as these, reactions.
However, does freedom give people the right to consciously offend other people, cultures, communities, without consideration of impact, implications?
Does freedom make recreational journalistic culture-mocking an acceptable course of action? Does freedom allow us to think only of our pleasure, regardless of another's pain?
What ever happened to the principle of "what good will come of this?"
What we must never, ever forget is that with freedom comes responsibility of freedom. Responsibility for actions. And, in cases such as these, reactions.
Being part of the global community brings with it remarkable
strength, access and opportunity. The blessings are far too many to count.
In our uber-connected, fast moving, world - a world with ever increasing understanding of differences and yet inter-connectedness, global citizenry should,
In our uber-connected, fast moving, world - a world with ever increasing understanding of differences and yet inter-connectedness, global citizenry should,
one would hope, increase our sensitivity towards the
wellbeing of others. We need to be able to count on one another.
Does “because I can”
have the right to step on, and over, others?
There is so much more to be gained through stepping up, and reaching
Copyright: ANITA MENDIRATTA 2012
Friday, August 17, 2012
It seems impossible to imagine - the 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games are gone. Quite remarkable. Especially considering how impossible the idea of a success Games was for so many, for so long.
The questioning started with the initial speculation of viability of the bid itself: "Will London get it?"..."Should London Get It??" Once host city status was secured, then it moved onto the more practical questioning: "Will London Be Ready?" From security to east London regeneration sensibility, and let's not forget the matter of legacy, the list of questions was as long as, if not longer, that the IOC's local project team's to-do list. With initial teething worked through in pre-Games major events (a royal wedding also acting as a mega-event dry run fit for a queen), and the poorly times and poorly articulated comments of a presidential candidate providing an 11th hour spark to the spirit of the Games, the 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games were underway.
With each passing day, each successful event, and each astonishing gold by Team GB, the awe became more audible. "Oh my goodness, we've done it!" Soon, very soon, the awe turned to attitude. "Is this not the greatest Games ever?!"
Unique? Not at all. Ask anyone in South Africa pre-, during and post the 2010 FIFA World Cup. And other mega-events in cities around the globe that were under the international, and local, microscope of speculation, scrutiny and doubt. The questions of "Will it be worth it?" that burdened event execution efforts lifted as, and with, the spirits of host city residents. Pride replaced pessimism. Participation replaced passivity. Sport became secondary to citizen activation.
And then the closing ceremony came, and went. Returning to the scene of 2012 Olympics celebrations, walking the once-decorated streets and travelling the once-packed transport lines, feels like walking back into the room the morning after Christmas. Excitedly removed gift wrap litters the floor. The good stuff is all gone - all that is left is the packaging.
And the memories.
And the looming question of "Now what do we do?"
This is one of the greatest misunderstandings, and miscalculations, of mega-events. The 2012 Olympics were always about so much more than sport for London and the UK. The 2012 FWC was always about so much more than football for South Africa. The end goal is always about so much more than the competition. The business case behind taking on a mega-event is always about an R.O.I. stretches far beyond the final day of the event itself. The bottom line: the event is actually the start of its impact.
While many across London and the UK complain of the Olympics hangover, those who took their vitamin C before the Games, VisitBritain for example, now stand strong and fit, ready to work to achieve the real metrics that matter. The 2012 Olympics are about:
- step-change tourism growth in 2013, 2014, and 2015;
- refreshed destination brand equity;
- increased destination competitiveness;
- maximum leverage of 2012 destination promotion and profile;
- investment into tourism sector alignment, inclusivity, dispersion of benefits and upliftment of offerings;
- etc.
Will there be immediate declines in post-Games hotel occupancy, summer season retail revenues, and earnings from attractions? Yes, that is a given. As was the case in other major events host cities and nations, be they hosts of the Olympics, Expo, the World Cup or other mega-events.
There are thousands of questions that can be asked, that can challenge the logic of mega-event execution.
But there is one that is the real litmus test: "What if we hadn't?"
What if, in the case of the 2012 Olympics, London had not bid as host city? What would the airports look like? What would the city centre look like? What would east London look like? What would the spirit of the people, the faces of Brits, look like?
What if they hadn't??
The 2012 Olympic Games was a massive stimulus package for London and the UK. It provided the host nation with reason to come together to work, to focus, to be productive, to be proud, and to be positive about the future. It
is now up to the people of London and the UK - its industries, its
communities, its investors, its leaders and its believers - to determine
the strength of the R.O.I. of the Games. The spirit of the wider team
GB - the people of London and the UK - was what caused the Olympic
spirit to burn so brightly in 2012.
Looking back two years to the 2010 FIFA World Cup in South Africa, the same is true.
Mega-events ignite the bright lights and big ambitions of a destination. Mega-events are a fuel - they spark a shared sense of purpose, pride and enduring promise. The massive investment made into mega-events must reap a return. The question, the opportunity, lies in the WHEN.
When will the benefits be realised? Immediately? 6 months on? 1 year on? 5 years on?
In actual fact, there should never be an end-point.
In actual fact, there should never be an end-point.
For London, and the UK, now that the 2012 Games have concluded, it is the people of the host nation who are the torch's enduring flame. Unity, productivity, pride, purpose, inspiration for a new generation - it is all in place.
There is absolutely no reason that the flame should ever be extinguished.
Friday, July 27, 2012
In a matter of hours, 13 hours, 07 and 26 seconds minutes to be precise - the 2012 OLYMPIC Games will commence in London. The moment has almost arrived - let the games begin! In true British style, the record-breaking sunshine of previous days - Mother Nature's spotlight on the Olympic torch as it made its way through the streets of London in its final approach - has been swallowed up by cloud. Enter stage right!
As excitement mounts across the UK and world, excitement that continues to take people by surprise, the power of pride once again takes centre stage. Years and years and years of questions, debate, critique and complaint are set aside as the spirit of the moment eclipses the metrics...
It is a natural phenomena. As is always the case with major events, debates unfold around the value of the games - the earnings vs the costs, the projects vs other priorities, the pomp vs the purpose. Why here? Why now? Years of economic impact studies unfold in parallel to development designs. The business case of the games becomes a shield, protecting the team tasked with making the event happen from the attacks.
And then something happens, something completely invisible to the naked eye yet concrete in feeling. It causes even the most hardened of critics to fight the formation of tears when hearing the Olympics anthem fill the air as the torch criss-crosses the streets, waterways, and winding country roads of the host nation. It turns the drabbest of dressers into a bright, bold expression of patriotic colours. It brings complete strangers together in spontaneous embraces when one of their makes their flag, their nation, their people, proud.
National spirit is most powerfully felt, and best celebrated, at major events. The sight of a sea of colour, faces bonded by shared pride and identity, cannot but cause a smile to break on the face of admirerers...and concern on the faces of competitors. The sentiment may, for some, seem simplistic, short-term. Its value, however, goes far beyond the short term spike in retail sales, media coverage, goodwill.
As demonstrated in the city of London over
the past 15 months, major events, be they sport, culture, religious, traditions or other, have the
ability to unite the hearts and minds of nationals, and nations, beyond all
borders, calculations and expectations.
It's all about pride - the passionate heart of the flame.
Pride is to nations what confidence is to investors: it takes turns 'maybe, just maybe' into 'just watch us!'
At a time when the world's spirit feels bruised from relentless acts of violence and economic ache, the sense of alone-ness growing with little sign of relief, the sight of athletes standing tall in national colours can spark feelings of connection, confidence and compassion. Olympic heroes were not just those taking home medals - they are those able to make the journey as reflections of the heroic quests of their home countries, as showcased by CNN in "Athletes of the Arab Spring"
At the same time, national pride turns moments of individual wrongdoing into far-reaching shame. Olympians being sent home for drug test failures or racist social media messaging. The colours have been stained. History has already judged these athletes once honoured with wearing the colours of their flags as now undeserving of representing their people's hopes and dreams.
As the Olympic Games unfold, may the threads of the flags of all nations join together to weave a stronger, more striking canvas of the colour, connection and conscience.
Copyright: ANITA MENDIRATTA 2012
Sunday, June 24, 2012
One month on, any second now, the winner of the Egyptian presidential run-off elections will be announced. History is, once again, being made in Egypt. The world watches...a butterfly is waiting to flap his wings.
Why does this matter? Why indeed.
Egypt, a remarkable nation that for centuries has been a place of people of courage to shape the future, last year inspired the world as Egypt's 90 million people stood together to take back their country, and once again, their future. Today, as the winds of change of the 21st Century whirl around the globe.
As a result, as Egypt has become an unofficial symbol of possibility of revolution. What happens in Egypt matters at so many levels.
As the world watches, waiting for the official announcement of the winner of the elections (now a few minutes past the 3pm time that the Electoral Commission had stated for reveal), commentators are asking the questions:
For Egypt,:
- What will happen if it is Morsi, putting the once banned Muslim Brotherhood in the seat of the presidency?
- What if it is military-backed Shafik, a man a part of the previous regime, whose decades-long leader, former President Hosni Mubarak, lies in a prison hospital holding on to life?
- What will the thousands of people in Tahrir Square, anxious for the name to be called, do?
- What will the army do? Will power be able to exit from power?
- What will the revolutionaries do?
- What will it mean for women, for tourism, for investment, for individual freedoms?
The answers to the questions have intense implications on the people, and future, of Egypt.
But the implications do not stop there. Beyond Egypt's borders questions are being asked with as much intensity:
- What will it mean to national and regional stability?
- What will it mean for the global political and economic community?
- What will it mean for the USA and its foreign policy?
- What about Israel?
- What will it mean for Libya's imminent elections?
The butterfly effect.
Egypt, seen as the most important nation of the region both culturally and politically has, since the first days of the revolution of 2011, has provided the world with an unprecedented, step-by-step, look into the journey of the steps towards democracy. Today's 24/7/365 communications world has made it possible for the world to watch change unfolding in Egypt, and the region. As important, social media has made it possible to see, hear and feel the voices, one by one, in their millions.
Egypt, seen as the most important nation of the region both culturally and politically has, since the first days of the revolution of 2011, has provided the world with an unprecedented, step-by-step, look into the journey of the steps towards democracy. Today's 24/7/365 communications world has made it possible for the world to watch change unfolding in Egypt, and the region. As important, social media has made it possible to see, hear and feel the voices, one by one, in their millions.
The butterfly remains sitting still, waiting with the world for the name to be called. The Electoral Commission has stated it will be any moment now...
Insh'Allah, which ever name is called as the future President, may this vote for the enduring spirit of democracy that first came to life in the region during last year's Arab Spring, be a trusted win for the people, and the future, of Egypt.
May the flapping of the butterfly be gentle.
Copyright: ANITA MENDIRATTA 2012
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
In just one
more sleep, Egyptians will be waking to the dawning of a new day. A new chapter
in the story of one of the world’s most ancient lands is about to be written.
The ink is ready. Election day is but hours away.
the sun will shine stronger, brighter. Election day will have finally arrived.
And in the 48 hours that will follow, Egypt will make history once more.
For the
first time in the lives of many Egyptians, this election day will be one that
they actually trust to reflect their votes. Many elders will mark a ballot for
the first time, making a real choice, not questioning if it really matters.
Egypt’s youth, feeling a particular pride because of their specific role in
reaching this day, will mark their ballots purposefully and This time is
different. These times are so very different.
Lines will
form, thousands of lines formed by millions of citizens, each and every one
ready to place their vote, make their mark, play their part. Weaving, weaving,
weaving through the streets of the nation, stretching from Lower to Upper
Egypt, voter lines will come together in a remarkable re-weaving of the spirit
of the flag, their flag. Different people of different views, different
backgrounds, different ideologies, different visions of a new Egypt, as
different as red, black and white, all coming together.
election is not simply a political process in a country. This event is a symbol
of the process of growth that has occurred since the start of the Arab Spring,
a worldwide symbol.
25.01.2011, the world has been watching, with hope and prayer. From Tahrir
Square to today, the nation’s journey has been one with smooth patches, but
also with its times of stones blocking the way and slowing pace, as well as
stones being thrown. Looking back, thinking back, events deemed inevitable
still inspire awe at their having actually occurred. The courage that it took
for Egyptians to stand as one to change the course of their history, their
lives, must never, ever be forgotten. Similarly, the courage it continues to
take to sustain the journey of national rebuilding with patience, purpose and
day is not only a day to look ahead with excitement, it is a day to pause, to
be still, to absorb the profound meaning of the here & now. So much will continue to change.
Unknowns remain. Choices will be made that many will agree with, many will not.
As shared by one of Egypt’s young professionals: “It is exciting nonetheless
as for the first time in Egypt’s 7000 year history Egyptians do not know who
will be their next leader.”
the power of the people will be, and remain, peacefully and purposefully united
with the people in power.
With Spring
comes new life. The Arab Spring is no different.
Copyright: ANITA MENDIRATTA 2012
Monday, April 30, 2012
For all of the souvenirs that can be purchased across the
world, few things stir up as much emotion as the soundbytes that we take home,
packed deeply in our memories, from places visited, people met and moments
felt. It is these soundbytes that turn into shared, and reshared, and reshared,
stories not only on return to home/office base, but in these times of ever-connected
These moments, these soundbytes, occur during travels of
business and pleasure. And often, the most poignant of them are created by
complete stranger…people who happen to cross our path and simply open the door,
open their knowledge, or open their heart.
A stranger, unlocking a massive wooden
door of a centuries old Arabian palace to reveal the secret of the most
awe-inspiring view of the Great Pyramids.
A stranger, gently folding back the
petals of a lily to teach how to turn a flower into a temple offering. A
stranger, standing firm in traffic to make crossing a frenetic city street safe
A stranger, now the source of a precious story.
Random acts of kindness are the moments that turn seconds
into soundbytes, soundbytes into stories. They are the stuff that travel
blessings are made of…
Copyright: ANITA MENDIRATTA 2012
Saturday, March 24, 2012
In today's world of perpetual motion, where borders are erased by flight plans, meeting plans and holiday plans, the distance between desire and destination is getting shorter and shorter. From the perspective of the advancement of civilisations, even though enhancements in health, wealth, security and stability have evolved the human condition to allow for a greater sense of permanence and connection, nomadic life is becoming more a way of life. Especially for people in the global Travel and Tourism (T&T) industry.
Waking in the morning with a moment of hesitation to allow re-orientation has, for millions of professional travellers, become part of the routine that awaits each new day. Hotel rooms become referenced as 'home'. Business lounges in airports and hotels have transformed into mobile offices. And the ability to move around the world with only carry-on in tow becomes a necessity if peace of mind is to be maintained. Baggage halls are no place to take one's chances. A one day luggage delay is not an option.
Millions, literally millions, now form this nomadic community that travels around the world. Looking confident and creaseless, these nomads take pride in their ability to go anywhere on a moment's notice, a lock & go / kiss & go lifestyle perfectly in place, some place known as home. Days, weeks, years easily become a blur, especially when entire days are jumped over with changes in time zones and crossings of date lines.
Yet for all of the globe-crossing busyness that takes over the Blackberry-managed lives of the global T&T community, there are those moments that have the ability to hit the 'pause' button. Especially when landing into a city, looking out the window with fresh eyes, and feeling an immediate, unexpected, deeply personal and almost child-like sense of "Oh my goodness, I'm in _____!"
It is these moments of awe that we nomads must never never let pass. These moments of awe are what keeps our sense of place, our sense of wonder, and our sense of blessing intact.
Never, ever should we allow our busyness and feeling of professional purpose eclipse the fact that our profession enables us to travel, often in a day, to places that people wait, plan and save for months to be able to experience.
It is our duty, and honour, to keep the awe carefully tucked in our hearts as a travel essential. The day we lose the awe is the day we must hand in our passports.
Copyright: ANITA MENDIRATTA 2012
Sunday, February 12, 2012
Across the globe, news flashed with chart-topping speed that, sadly and suddenly, music diva Whitney Houston had passed on. A mere 48 years of age, a woman who grew up alongside a generation of now fourty-somethings, would sing no more. She had won her race against abuse of substances and abuse in relationships, but she could not win the race against time that clearly her life's story was working to. News bulletins, across all forms of electronic and other e-based wires, lit up to express shock, sadness, dismay. They continue with little sign of letting up, with little chance of the world not hearing, caring, responding with news. The news is turning into a musical tribute. And people want to know more - what caused this, why such a loss, why now... 'how could this be?'.
At the same time, news wires are carrying the story of untold, ongoing brutalities taking place in Syria under the relentless leadership of President Assad's. Just days ago China and Russia voted against UN sanctions. Every hour, of every day, across Syria, hearts stop beating, lives stop hoping, time has run out. Shock, sadness and dismay can be heard in debates and political dialogues across the globe. While the UN, GCC, Arab League, EU, Organisation of Islamic Cooperation and governments of various leading global nations stand together in their condemnation of events in Syria. The numbers killed
by a government lead response to protests inspired by the Arab Spring
has reached, according to UN sources, over 7000. This past week alone,
Homs has seen fatalities in the double-and triple digits each day. Yet, at a global citizenry level, unless one is seeking out the latest on events in Syria, creating a blind spot to the tragedy unfolding, is very possible.
The number of people carrying the torch, questioning 'how could this
be?', seems to diminish as each new day passes. The news is turning into white noise.
How does the world, as a collective conscience, determine what matters? Every day events occur. How can it be that some issues experience enduring, global response, and others go unnoticed. The life of one artist ends, sadly, and millions mourn. Thousands of lives end, and few, if any, care to know names. How could this be?
As the world moves forward, it would be so valuable to understand what it is that moves the world. What it is that makes an issue become a global outcry?
What, or who, does it take to make the world care?
To solve this mystery would be to take a massive step forward in leveraging the power and promise of the global community for the genuine good of its 7 billion people.
Copyright: ANITA MENDIRATTA 2012
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
January 25th. This day, one year ago, this date
became a global symbol of a wave of change that reached out across from Arab
nations, to the Eurozone, the Americas, Asia and places across the globe where
once silent voices learnt to roar. January 25th, the day Egyptians
took to the streets, the day Tahrir Square became a physical and psychological
home for millions seeking a future in their homeland, and the day the world’s
cameras put the zoom lens on the seeds of global revolution.
One year on, and the power of the people is redefining the
people in power, in political, economic and religious centres across the world,
redefining where nations are going.
Defining ‘next’, however, begs the question: where are we
Changes are underway in nations that had their foundations
shaken and shattered in 2011. Once again, Egypt provides a global window
through which to view progress and potential of the region. As happened
smoothly in Tunisia at the end of 2011, slowly, step by step, the political
processes are unfolding, with Egyptians now standing up and stepping forward to
make their mark on the new blueprint of the nation. Temperatures have risen,
tempers have flared and tests to stability of the process have occurred. Still,
slowly, slowly, the process moves forward.
If 2011 taught us anything, it is this: democracy demands
participation, revolution demands patience, leadership demands faith, and revolution demands taking
responsibility. These truisms cannot be
left behind as part of last year’s learnings.
Why? Because the revolutions that occurred in 2011 were not
the end, they were only the beginning. And, importantly, there is no guarantee
of their outcomes.
The millions who took to the streets in Egypt year ago,
swiftly and successfully overthrowing their well-entrenched ruler of over 30
years, now look to the future questioning what will become of their country
should the democracy that they fought for vote in leaders that they did not put
their ‘X’ beside. What will happen to freedoms of expression, participation,
recreation and identity? What if moving forward ends up taking us back?
The same questions can be posed when looking across the
globe at other locations of protest. What if the 1% step back and let the 99%
take the reins? Are the 99% prepared to deal with the ‘what next?’ Are the Greeks prepared to start paying taxes? Are
the Americans prepared to stop living off of credit card based wealth. Are
watchful eyes observing illogical financial activity prepared to give their
grey hair and gut feelings a voice?
Clearly, protesting is one thing. Participating is quite
Across the map, through 2012 , the path to reform, recovery
and real stability is just starting to show its first footprints. With each
step, careful consideration of consequences is critical. A new rhythm will be
found, one that feels right. Especially if we all stand up and face the music.
Copyright: ANITA MENDIRATTA 2012
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